Piraeus Office
(Partner, Principal Surveyor)
| Tel: +30 6932228695 |
| Email: info@mentormarine.com |
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Piraeus Office
(Partner, Principal Surveyor)
| Tel: +30 6932228695 |
| Email: info@mentormarine.com |
Nick is one of the founding partners of the firm having formed Mentor Marine Consultants back in 1992 together with John Cratiras. He holds a Bachelors degree in Marine Engineering – University of Newcastle Upon Tyne and Masters degree in Internal Combustion Engineering – University of Bath. He is an ex-Superintendent Engineer, has acted as Technical Manager of Mycali Maritime Corporation, Piraeus and has been working as an Independent Marine Consultant since 1984.
Nick is mostly dealing with major Casualties, H&M damages, P&I Consulting and has often acted as Expert Witness in various court cases. He is a Chartered Engineer, Member of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology – London, the Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Surveyors – London and the Hellenic Technical Consultants Association.
Nationality French, born by Greek parents in Egypt.
Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering – University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (1972), Master of Science in Internal Combustion Engineering – University of Bath (1973); Training in Main Engine Repairs at Cardiff Channel Dry Docks (Bailey Shipyard), Summer 1966; Training in Shipbuilding at Hellenic Shipyards (Summer 1967); Training at Engine Erection Department of Hawthorn Leslies (Summer 1969); Training at the Department of Construction of Ships Hulls and Department of Construction of Machines at Kockums Shipyard (Summer 1971); Apprentice Engineer on board the bulk carrier “KEHREA” for a period of six months (1975)
- 1975 – 1976, Superintendent Engineer- Technical Department of MYCALI MARITIME CORPORATION S.A., Piraeus. During this period sailed, for a period of five (5) months, onboard one of the general cargo vessels operated by the company.
- 1976 -1984, Technical Manager of MYCALI MARITIME CORP: S.A., Piraeus, SHIPPING Company operating up to 6 cargo vessels.
- 1984 – 1990, Established a Marine Consulting and Surveying company with Marine Consultant G. D. GRECOUSSIS under the title of “INTERSURV MARITIME CONSULTANTS”; Appointed by the major Protection and Indemnity Associations and by Hull and Machinery and Cargo Insurers to attend to ship and cargo casualties and to carry out surveys for condition to ships and cargo commodities; Appointed by Shipowners and other Parties to act on their behalf for surveys, claims and casualty procedures.
- 1990 -1992, Formed a private Marine Consulting and Surveying company under the title : “N. E. MARIAKIS MARITIME CONSULTANTS”, offering services as above.
- 1992, Joined with Marine Consultant J. C. CRATIRAS and formed a new company under the title “MENTOR MARINE CONSULTANTS”
– Chartered Engineer, Council of Engineering Institutions, England.
– Member of The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, England.
– Member of The Society of Consulting Marine Engineers & Ship Surveyors, London.
– Member of the Hellenic Marine Technical Consultants Association, Piraeus.
– Greek (mother tongue)
– English (fluent)
– French (adequate)
– Italian (speech adequate)
– Ethiopian / Amaharic (speech adequate)