Pire Ofisi
(Partner, Baş Sörveyör)
| Tel: +30 6932260442 |
| Email: info@mentormarine.com |
24/7 Acil İletişim Bilgileri

Pire Ofisi
(Partner, Baş Sörveyör)
| Tel: +30 6932260442 |
| Email: info@mentormarine.com |
John şirketimizin kurucu üyelerinden olup, Mentor Marine Consultants’ı 1992 yılında Nick Mariakis ile birlikte kurmuştur. New Castle Upon Tyne Üniversitesi Gemi İnşaatı ve Gemi Makineleri Mühendisliği diplomasına sahiptir. Geçmişte, M.A. Karagiorgis S.A., Pire şirketinde Yardımcı Baş Mühendis olarak, M/T MESSINIAKI TIMI gemisinde 3. Çarkçı olarak, ABS Klas kuruluşunda Saha Sörveyörü olarak görevler almış ve 1983 senesinden beri denizcilik sektöründe Gemi Kurtarma Birliği, Tekne & Makine Sigortacıları, Kargo/Yük Sigortacıları, Gemi Finansmanı Bankalar ve P&I Kulüpleri için bağımsız bir danışman olarak hizmet vermektedir.
John çoğunlukla büyük kayıplar, tekne & makine hasarları ve P&I danışmanlığı konularında çalışmakta ve çeşitli davalarda bilir kişi olarak bulunmuştur. Kendisi Yüksek Mühendis unvanına sahiptir ve Londra Gemi Makine Mühendisleri Bilim ve Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Londra Gemi Makineleri Mühendisleri ve Sörveyleri Danışmanlık Derneği ve Hellenic Denizcilik Teknolojileri ve Teknik Danışmanlar Birliği üyesidir.
John is one of the founding partners of the firm having formed Mentor Marine Consultants back in 1992 together with Nick Mariakis. He holds a Diploma in Naval Architecture and Bachelors degree in Marine Engineering – University of Newcastle Upon Tyne. He is an ex-Ass. Superintendent Engineer with M.A. Karagiorgis S.A., Piraeus & 3rd Engineer on m.t “MESSINIAKI TIMI”, ex-ABS Class Field Surveyor and has been working as an Independent Marine Consultant since 1983 offering services mainly to The Salvage Association, H+M Underwriters, Cargo Underwriters, Ship Financing Banks and P&I Clubs.
John is mostly dealing with large Casualties, H&M damages, P&I Consulting and has often acted as Expert Witness in various court cases. He is a Chartered Engineer, Member of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology – London, the Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Surveyors – London, the Hellenic Technical Consultants Association and The Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology.
Nationality Greek, born by Greek parents in Nigeria.
Diploma in Naval Architecture (1970), Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering – University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (1973); Training in Shipbuilding at Hellenic Shipyards (Summer 1967); Draftsman at A. Ermogenis Technical Bureau (Summer 1969); Apprentice Engineer m.t. “NERAIDE” (Summer 1971); Training in Engine Room repairs at Hellenic Shipyards (Summer 1972)
- Ass. Superintendent Engineer, M.A. Karagiorgis S.A., Piraeus & 3rd Engineer M/T “MESSINIAKI TIMI”
- Field Surveyor to the American Bureau of Shipping, Piraeus Office, from July ’75 until November ’83,
– Carrying out surveys on Hull, Machinery or Equipment during construction of Bulk Carriers, Product Carriers and Reinforced Plastic vessels in order to verify compliance with Classification Rules, Guides and Standards.
– Carrying out surveys after construction on Hull, Machinery or Equipment of steel vessels in order to verify compliance with Classification Rules, Guides and Standards.
– Carrying out surveys of Damage to steel vessels’ Hull, Machinery or Equipment, which affects Classification.
– Carrying out Lay-up and Reactivation Surveys.
– Carrying out surveys on Cargo and Passenger Ships for verification of compliance with the provisions of the International Conventions for the Safety of Life at Sea and on Load Lines.
– Carrying out surveys for verification of compliance with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.
- Independent Marine Consultant and Surveyor since October 1983, offering services mainly to The Salvage Association, H+M Underwriters, Cargo Underwriters, Ship Financing Banks, and, P&I Clubs.
- Joined with Marine Consultant N.E. MARIAKIS and formed the Marine Consulting and Surveying company MENTOR MARINE CONSULTANTS, offering services as above since 1992.
- Chartered Engineer, Council of Engineering Institutions, England.
- Member of The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, England.
- Member of The Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors, London.
- Member of the Hellenic Marine Technical Consultants Association, Piraeus.
– Greek (mother tongue)
– English (fluent)